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full name
Colin Samuel Davenport
birthdate / age
3/17/86, 29
New York, New York
Irvington, NY
Diane (mother), Colleen (twin sister), Simon (son, 2 months)
North Shore Animal League
relationship status
It may be a bit difficult for a boy to grow up without a stable father figure, but for Colin it was no big deal. Born to a single mother, a product of insemination by a sperm donor and alongside his twin sister, Colin led a pretty average (and sweet, if you ask him), life. His mother is the defenition of her own independent woman. She was tired of waiting around for the perfect man to start a family with, exhausted of the pressure of dating and marriage, he knew that she was reaching an age where being a mother was something she wanted and she took the necessary steps to make that happen. She did not plan on having twins, the idea of caring for twins must have been terrifying, but she took it in stride. The only complaint about his birth that Colin has...is that he was not the first one born..that power goes all to his sister, Colleen who just loves to hang it over his head every chance she gets. Growing up, Colin was always the more quiet of the twins. He will never openly admit this, but he admires his sister for her ability to just go with the flow and settle into any situation. Around the age of tweleve their mother moved them to Irvington where Colleen slid her way right in and became extremely well liked and comfortable. That was never in his personality in school, he was always the wallflower who stayed in the background and only spoke when he was approached. He was shy and just never felt comfortable releasing himself around strangers. The move was very diffiuclt on him, he didn't really know who he was or where he belonged. Ask Colin today what got him through his difficult teen years and his answer will be "animals". By the age of fourteen Colin began walking his neighbors dog for money, by the age of fifiteen he had his very own dog walking business which helped him gain slight popularity around girls his age who found his love for animals to be "sexy" this of course, fueled his love for animals, knowing the positive attention it was gaining him. However, the night that changed his life and paved his path for his future happened when he was fifteen. It was late and he was walking home from a friends house when he heard the quiet whimpers of an animal in pain. Knowing the danger, but following his gut regardless, he followed the noise to a set of bushes where he found a small pitbull who was maybe a few weeks old...badly injured. Her face was swollen, her eye swollen shut and her paws looked as if they had been run over. The animal was terrified, but so weak that she allowed for his help. He wrapped the dog in his sweatshirt and rushed to the nearest animal hospital. The dog was severely malnourished and just a few days away from death, but the vet made it a point to tell Colin that he saved her life. He visited the dog every day for three weeks until she was placed in a forever home. From that day on he knew what he wanted to do. Colin went on to gain excellent grades in high school and eventually college as well. He continued his education at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. While in school he made several connections, got excellent grades, and became a vet assistant. He loved learning about the medicine and helping sick animals, but he never wanted to work at an animal hospital, it was too hard for him to have to decide the fate of sick animals. A few years out of school and he stumbled upon the North Shore Animal League. With his background in medicine and his education to boot, he had no problem getting a job. While he is not the full time vet, if there is ever an animal that comes in and needs immediate attention, Colin is one of those that they call, but that is not his only position. His job is hard, rescuing animals that were abused and felt unwanted, but seeing the way they react when someone comes in and takes them to a loving home, well that is something you just can't get over. Sometimes, however he does fall a little too hard for an animal and ends up fostering it for a few weeks...just until they can find it a forever home, of course and only a few of these animals have found forever homes with him (a fact his roommate may not be too fond of much longer) While his job is a huge part of the person that he is, it is not all that he is. About a year ago, Colin and his best friend Callie came to the decision that they wanted to have a child together. While this may have come to a shock to many people in their lives, it was not something they decided on lightly. This decision came shortly after Colin's best friend Simon, a marine lost his life serving his country. The loss of his best friend brought about all kinds of feelings for Colin and they were mostly a fear of not leaving his imprint on this world. While he knew it was a crazy idea, Callie went along with it and after several months, their dream came true. Colin is now the proud father of two month old Simon Davenport...and he is even more proud to carry on his best friends name in his own child. Being a father is terrifying, but a task that Colin could not be more prepared for. When you lose a loved one it is important to honor them in any way that you can, this is how Colin chose to do it. His relationship with Callie is a bit complicated, but in a good way. They live together (in seperate bedrooms), they remain best friends, and are happily raising a healthy baby boy (surrounded by a sea of random pets Colin has chosen to save that week). With his dream career, a perfect baby boy, his twin sister and his best friend by his side...Colin is now starting to see the impact he may be leaving on this world after all. |